Our Vision and Mission
Ganesha High School is committed to delivering a high quality and responsive counseling program that is student driven and promotes equity and access to rigorous learning opportunities. We are committed to developing intentional learning plans that promote academic, career, social-emotional and technological competencies that support their transition into institutions of higher learning, a diverse workforce and society.
Ganesha High School students will develop the behaviors and mindsets to excel in meeting requisites of high school graduation and successfully pursue college and career goals, thrive within institutions of higher learning, and contribute to a global, competitive workforce as responsible citizens with integrity and character.
Our department utilizes a holistic counseling approach where the collective needs of each student are considered as being key to formulating an educational plan that is specific to your students' learning and transition goals. Students are challenged to understand the educational and workforce demands of the 21st century and work closely with counselors to identify future career goals, and align them with an array of college and post-secondary learning opportunities. Our team perceives counseling as an intentional effort that will empower students to develop the intellectual and social capital needed to compete successfully within a culturally diverse and technologically advanced society.